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Ilya Efimov - Domra (2013)

Разработчик: Ilya Efimov
Качество: Stereo, 24 bit/44.1 kHz
Жанр: Сэмплы домры
Количество файлов: 801
Формат: (Kontakt, NKI, NKC, NKX)
Ilya Efimov - Domra - библиотека звуков домры для сэмплера KONTAKT 5. Домра - русский народный музыкальный инструмент, получивший наибольшее распространение в России в XVI веке среди музыкантов - скоморохов. В 1648 году по указу царя начинаются гонения на скоморохов, Вскоре исчезает и домра. Вновь найденая в 1896 году, она была реконструирована В.В.Андреевым совместно с мастером С.И.Налимовым, создавшими ее оркестровые разновидности. Это были трехструнные домры (малая, альтовая, басовая) с квартовым строем. Реконструкция инструмента сразу же ввела домру в сферу академического музыкального искусства. Группа домр стала не только незаменимой частью русского народного оркестра, но и составила его мелодическую основу.
- 795 samples, 44,1 Hz 24 bit, stereo
- 8 динамических слоев для каждой ноты, Round-Robin
- 9 различных артикуляций
- Контроль скорости и динамики тремоло
- Имитация бряцания
- Выбор струн
- Натуральное глиссандо для пиццикато и тремоло
Описание на Английском
Welkome no the Ilya Efimov Domra!
Most persons would assume that the balalaika predates the domra. In fact, the domra is known to have existed for over 1000 years; the balalaika only about 350. Musicologists have reached a clear conclusion: the domra and balalaika are two different versions of the same kind of stringed instrument, with the domra being the balalaika’s ancestor.
The domra is a Russian folk instrument, popular among sixteenth century Russian musician/jesters called “buffoons”. In 1648, by order of the king the persecution of buffoons quickly resulted in the disappearance of the domra. “Re-discovered” in 1896, it was reconstructed by master luthiers Andreev and Nalimov, and has since evolved into today’s three orchestral versions: (small, alto, bass) with a quarter tone scale.
Thereafter, the domra was immediately introduced to academic music, and as a group dormas have become an indispensable part of the Russian National Orchestra, used as a melodic base. Additionally, the domra is becoming widely accepted as a solo instrument, written into many current musical pieces and concerts.
- 795 samples, 44,1 Hz 24 bit, stereo
- 8 velocity layers for each note Round-Robin
- 9 different articulations
- Speed and realistic dynamic tremolo control
- Strumming keys, Repetition keys
- String select
- Natural glissando for pizzicato and tremolo articulations
- Native Instruments full retail Kontakt +4.2.4 or Kontakt 5
- Windows 7 or 8, Intel Core Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2, 4 GB
- Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 or 10.8, Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB
- 1 GB free disk space
Most persons would assume that the balalaika predates the domra. In fact, the domra is known to have existed for over 1000 years; the balalaika only about 350. Musicologists have reached a clear conclusion: the domra and balalaika are two different versions of the same kind of stringed instrument, with the domra being the balalaika’s ancestor.
The domra is a Russian folk instrument, popular among sixteenth century Russian musician/jesters called “buffoons”. In 1648, by order of the king the persecution of buffoons quickly resulted in the disappearance of the domra. “Re-discovered” in 1896, it was reconstructed by master luthiers Andreev and Nalimov, and has since evolved into today’s three orchestral versions: (small, alto, bass) with a quarter tone scale.
Thereafter, the domra was immediately introduced to academic music, and as a group dormas have become an indispensable part of the Russian National Orchestra, used as a melodic base. Additionally, the domra is becoming widely accepted as a solo instrument, written into many current musical pieces and concerts.
- 795 samples, 44,1 Hz 24 bit, stereo
- 8 velocity layers for each note Round-Robin
- 9 different articulations
- Speed and realistic dynamic tremolo control
- Strumming keys, Repetition keys
- String select
- Natural glissando for pizzicato and tremolo articulations
- Native Instruments full retail Kontakt +4.2.4 or Kontakt 5
- Windows 7 or 8, Intel Core Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2, 4 GB
- Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 or 10.8, Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB
- 1 GB free disk space
Системные требования
- Native Instruments full retail Kontakt +4.2.4 or Kontakt 5
- Windows 7 or 8, Intel Core Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2, 4 GB
- Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 or 10.8, Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB
- 1 GB free disk space
- Windows 7 or 8, Intel Core Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2, 4 GB
- Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 or 10.8, Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB
- 1 GB free disk space
NI Kontakt 5 - Добавления абсолютно любых библиотек через Add Library (HDTV, 720p)
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