
Ilya Efimov - Armenian Duduk (2013)

Год выпуска: 2013
Разработчик: Ilya Efimov
Качество: Stereo, 24 bit/44.1 kHz
Жанр: Сэмплы Дудка
Количество файлов: 16
Формат: (Kontakt, NKI, NKC, NKX)

Ilya Efimov - Armenian Duduk (Дудук) - язычковый деревянный духовой музыкальный инструмент с двойной тростью. Инструмент и музыка дудука являются неотъемлемой частью культурной жизни и общественной идентичности армянского народа. Армянский дудук отличается мягким звучанием, больше похожим на голос, в отличие от дудука, изготовленного из других материалов, для которых характерен довольно резкий звук. Эта библиотека от Ilya Efimov является очень гибкой в использовании, вы можете повторить практически любую мелодию, которую можно исполнить на дудуке. Разработчики записали все возможные интервалы вверх и вниз в трех вариантах, обычное легато, плавное легато и глиссандирующее легато. Вы можете выбирать любую из доступных артикуляций, как для первой, так и для последующих нот, сыгранных легато.

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Описание на Английском
Welkome no the Ilya Efimov Armenian Duduk!

The Duduk is a traditional Armenian woodwind instrument, originating in the fifth century. The sound of the duduk, if not the instrument itself, has become widely known through its use in popular film soundtracks. Starting with Peter Gabriel's score for Martin Scorsese's “The Last Temptation of Christ”, the duduk's sound has been employed in a variety of genres to depict archaic and mournful moods. Djivan Gasparyan played the duduk for the soundtracks of “Gladiator”, “Syriana” and “Blood Diamond”, among other films. It was used sililarly in The “Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”.

Our flexible duduk library will allow you to realistcally imitate virtually any tune that a real duduk could play. We recorded all intervals for up and down legato articulations in three variants: normal legato, slow legato and glissando. You may choose any of the available articulations for the first note and 6 articulations for legato notes. We have provided the ability to vary the dynamics of the instrument to convey a wide, detailed range of expression from pp to ff. Natural vibrato may be added to the sound at any time. Staccato articulations provide added realism by means of a round-robin algorythm. Users can reassign keyswitches and midi-controllers, then save the changes to a user preset. Default settings are easily restored at any time.

- 656 Mb compressed samples / 24-bit / 44.1 kHz / Stereo
- 3 Types of legato: normal/slow/porta.
- 3 Modes of legato performance
- Natural dynamic controlled by ModWheel
- Controllable natural vibrato
- Use any articulation during legato.
- 3 Crescendo: slow/normal/fast
- Natural expression/release sounds
- Two Staccato types
- Detune Vibrato keys
- Slide-ups
- Five types of mordents
- Forshlags
- Reassignable keyswitches, CC and much more.
- Extremely user-friendly in both live and studio applications!

- Native Instruments full retail Kontakt +4.2.4 or Kontakt 5
- Windows 7 or 8, Intel Core Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2, 4 GB
- Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 or 10.8, Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB
- 2 GB free disk space
Системные требования
- Native Instruments full retail Kontakt +4.2.4 or Kontakt 5
- Windows 7 or 8, Intel Core Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2, 4 GB
- Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 or 10.8, Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB
- 2 GB free disk space
- 656 Mb compressed samples / 24-bit / 44.1 kHz / Stereo
- 3 Types of legato: normal/slow/porta.
- 3 Modes of legato performance
- Natural dynamic controlled by ModWheel
- Controllable natural vibrato
- Use any articulation during legato.
- 3 Crescendo: slow/normal/fast
- Natural expression/release sounds
- Two Staccato types
- Detune Vibrato keys
- Slide-ups
- Five types of mordents
- Forshlags
- Reassignable keyswitches, CC and much more.
- Extremely user-friendly in both live and studio applications!
NI Kontakt 5 - Добавления абсолютно любых библиотек через Add Library (HDTV, 720p)
(Add absolutely any libraries through Add Library)
