Cortex Command [version 1.05] (2013)

Жанр: Arcade
Разработчик: Data Realms
Издательство: Data Realms
Сайт разработчика: www.datarealms.com/
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Платформа: PC
Системные требования:
• Windows 2000/XP/Vista
• DirectX 8
• 1 GHz
• 256 MB RAM
• 200 Mb свободного места
В недалеком будущем люди не только смогли покинуть родную планету, но и избавились от своих физических тел. Теперь они путешествуют в космосе в виде мозгов, искусственно поддерживаемых в рабочем состоянии. Банально, но мозгам тоже нужны ресурсы, которые приходится добывать на отдаленных планетах.
Необычное сочетание. В начале, игрок строит свою базу или бункер (в котором хранится банка с мозгами) и расставляет вокруг бункера своих солдат, роботов, мины, раскладывает оружие и готовит десант. Противник делает то же самое. Потом начинается бой, цель которого добраться до бункера противника и уичтожить его мозг.
Однако самая интересная фишка игры это «Пиксельная физика». Она хорошо знакома нам по таким играм как «Tank Wars», «Scorched Earth», «Worms». Но здесь технология вышла на новый уровень. Во-первых, появились материалы. Каждый объект имеет различную плотность и состоит из множества запчастей. В процессе игры его можно «разобрать» с помощью неплохого арсенала, предлагаемого во встроенном магазине. Во-вторых значительно улучшена динамика. Десантный бот очень реалистично врезается в землю или сжигает все на своем пути реактивной струей. Большая пушка разносит на пикселы солдат противника так, что только каски отлетают. В общем, довольно весело.
Доп. информация:
1. Установить следуя инструкциям инсталлера
2. играть!!!
2. играть!!!
Что нового
• The AA-Drone now shoot SAMs at enemy craft at point blank range, unless the target is close to a friendly brain.
• Fixed a bug that would cause craft to self destruct when sitting still for a long time and being under player control.
• Fixed missing turret/mech loadouts for some techs, upped goldcost and slightly nerfed armor of silver man and whitebot.
• Went over and touched up every single techion gun sprite, looked a bit tame compared to the actors.
• Changed Imperatus actor standpaths for added badassery.
• The meta fight skirmish AI now pick safer brain LZs.
• Fixed a bug that made the human AI ignore enemies in some circumstances.
• Fixed a few loadout errors. Fixed a Ronin script that sometimes caused error messages to be printed to the console.
• Added a disarmer to every engineer loadout preset.
• Gave the giga pulsar the same particles per tracer as the pulse rifle, making the giga pulsar the superior choice for sustained fire, as well as an increased magazine size from 50 to 80.
• Improved the human AI gold dig behavior.
• Added the Yskely and Grasslands Mining Outpost for the Bunker Breach scenario.
• Fixed a bug that stopped the AI from spawning units in the Harvester, Massacre and Survival scenarios.
• Added a strong border layer to the bottom of most scenes. Helps prevent actors from digging too deep and falling off the bottom of the scene.
• Adjusted Human AI aim time. Actors shoot sooner but should miss more often.
• Fixed several bugs in the gold dig AI. Tweaked the human AI targeting and aiming.
• Made the human AI look for weapons when entering sentry mode unarmed.
• Updated the new rocket launcher’s targeting system so the missiles can be locked on to the ground.
• The new rocket launcher is now known as the Browncoat “ML-03 Flash”.
• Fixed an issue withe the AI where some behaviors could cause actors to ignore alarm events.
• The Skirmish Defense activities now remember what tech you fought the last round and picks another tech for the next round.
• Made the gold-dig behavior move in a straight line to the gold rather than along the path with the leas obstacles.
• Added the Dummy to both the Light and Heavy Infantry groups so the skirmish AI only spawn dummy AHumans.
• Removed the “Brain Versus Brain” activity to avoid confusion among new players (and reviewers). The same functionality is supported by Skirmish Defense.
• Changed the Browncoat “ML-03″ to “ML-02″ and made the missiles slightly stronger. Browncoat incendiary cannon (CA-01 Firestorm) and shotgun (IN-02) made stronger.
• Fixed a bug in the Bunker Breach scenario that would cause AI counter attacking units to go idle.
• Fixed a path-finding bug that occurred when mining for gold, and an issue that made the AI think some close range weapons had a blast radius
• Impulse Cannon no longer useless, new Browncoat Missile Launcher made slightly stronger.
• Browncoat weapon grip strengths increased slightly, Browncoat units no longer made of cheese.
• Added the “Wave Defense” activity. Increasingly longer waves of enemies, with time in edit mode in between waves.
• Encapsulated the AI to make modding easier. It can now be initialized with a single function call.
• Wave Defense: Made edit mode between waves optional.
• Actors on AI-teams now ignore the fog when shooting and searching for targets.
• The AA-drone no longer replenish its missiles between battles.
• Fixed bug on Ronin Heavy’s randomized armor when placing the unit from the build menu.
• Improved gold dig AI and situational awareness of brain actors.
• Lots of tweaks/improvements to the Nailer-based weapons
• The human AI now reloads any held weapon before digging for gold.
• Made the AA-Drone look for targets slightly faster and gave the SAM a small acceleration boost.
• Campaign end game triggering logic fixed and improved. Now, If the team in the lead is the only team left with any undeployed brains, the game ends and they win. This avoids the unwinnable game state.
• The AA-Drone now shoot SAMs at enemy craft at point blank range, unless the target is close to a friendly brain.
• Fixed a bug that would cause craft to self destruct when sitting still for a long time and being under player control.
• Fixed missing turret/mech loadouts for some techs, upped goldcost and slightly nerfed armor of silver man and whitebot.
• Went over and touched up every single techion gun sprite, looked a bit tame compared to the actors.
• Changed Imperatus actor standpaths for added badassery.
• The meta fight skirmish AI now pick safer brain LZs.
• Fixed a bug that made the human AI ignore enemies in some circumstances.
• Fixed a few loadout errors. Fixed a Ronin script that sometimes caused error messages to be printed to the console.
• Added a disarmer to every engineer loadout preset.
• Gave the giga pulsar the same particles per tracer as the pulse rifle, making the giga pulsar the superior choice for sustained fire, as well as an increased magazine size from 50 to 80.
• Improved the human AI gold dig behavior.
• Added the Yskely and Grasslands Mining Outpost for the Bunker Breach scenario.
• Fixed a bug that stopped the AI from spawning units in the Harvester, Massacre and Survival scenarios.
• Added a strong border layer to the bottom of most scenes. Helps prevent actors from digging too deep and falling off the bottom of the scene.
• Adjusted Human AI aim time. Actors shoot sooner but should miss more often.
• Fixed several bugs in the gold dig AI. Tweaked the human AI targeting and aiming.
• Made the human AI look for weapons when entering sentry mode unarmed.
• Updated the new rocket launcher’s targeting system so the missiles can be locked on to the ground.
• The new rocket launcher is now known as the Browncoat “ML-03 Flash”.
• Fixed an issue withe the AI where some behaviors could cause actors to ignore alarm events.
• The Skirmish Defense activities now remember what tech you fought the last round and picks another tech for the next round.
• Made the gold-dig behavior move in a straight line to the gold rather than along the path with the leas obstacles.
• Added the Dummy to both the Light and Heavy Infantry groups so the skirmish AI only spawn dummy AHumans.
• Removed the “Brain Versus Brain” activity to avoid confusion among new players (and reviewers). The same functionality is supported by Skirmish Defense.
• Changed the Browncoat “ML-03″ to “ML-02″ and made the missiles slightly stronger. Browncoat incendiary cannon (CA-01 Firestorm) and shotgun (IN-02) made stronger.
• Fixed a bug in the Bunker Breach scenario that would cause AI counter attacking units to go idle.
• Fixed a path-finding bug that occurred when mining for gold, and an issue that made the AI think some close range weapons had a blast radius
• Impulse Cannon no longer useless, new Browncoat Missile Launcher made slightly stronger.
• Browncoat weapon grip strengths increased slightly, Browncoat units no longer made of cheese.
• Added the “Wave Defense” activity. Increasingly longer waves of enemies, with time in edit mode in between waves.
• Encapsulated the AI to make modding easier. It can now be initialized with a single function call.
• Wave Defense: Made edit mode between waves optional.
• Actors on AI-teams now ignore the fog when shooting and searching for targets.
• The AA-drone no longer replenish its missiles between battles.
• Fixed bug on Ronin Heavy’s randomized armor when placing the unit from the build menu.
• Improved gold dig AI and situational awareness of brain actors.
• Lots of tweaks/improvements to the Nailer-based weapons
• The human AI now reloads any held weapon before digging for gold.
• Made the AA-Drone look for targets slightly faster and gave the SAM a small acceleration boost.
• Campaign end game triggering logic fixed and improved. Now, If the team in the lead is the only team left with any undeployed brains, the game ends and they win. This avoids the unwinnable game state.
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