BitComet 1.26 (2011)

Год выпуска: 2011
Жанр: Bittorent клиент
Разработчик: BitComet
Сайт разработчика: http://www.bitcomet.com
Язык интерфейса: Мультиязычный (русский присутствует)
Платформа: Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7
Описание: Программа для работы в пиринговой сети Bittorrent. BitComet - это функциональный, быстрый и простой в освоении клиент, который позволяет работать с ссылками формата Bittorrent. Он поддерживает одновременное скачивание нескольких файлов с возможностью установления приоритета загрузки, может создавать очередность загрузки, имеет возможность быстрой остановки/возобновления закачки файлов. Работает с прокси-сервером, может автоматически снижать скорость "отдачи" файлов другим участникам сети Bittorrent, если на компьютере пользователя падает скорость загрузки. Присутствует автоматическая оптимизация настроек соединения для совместной работы с брандмауэром, а также с другими менеджерами загрузки.[br][br]
What's New in This Release
GUI Improved: improve text information displayed in VIP acceleration dialog
GUI Improved: improve progress bar of disk space in task properties dialog
GUI Improved: new setting in advanced option page to enable/disable auto hash check after downloaded file changed
GUI Improved: new setting in advanced option page to enable/disable disk boost service (only Vista and later)
GUI Improved: display the status of disk boost service in statistical tab (only Vista and later)
GUI Improved: tasks in queue will be displayed in Active task list
GUI Improved: improve re-connection timers displayed in tracker list
GUI Improved: do not display torrent downloading prompt dialog when open a magnet link
GUI Improved: improve GUI font when choosing Traditional Chinese in non-Traditional Chinese Windows
GUI Improved: simplify torrent status icon in torrent history and torrent share list
GUI Improved: do not fix the width of date column in torrent history and torrent share list
GUI Improved: improve display refreshing code of torrent history and torrent share list, reduce CPU usage
GUI Improved: display the default command in context menu of torrent history and torrent share list as bold
GUI Improved: new command in context menu of Torrent Collect list: Add to Torrent Share
GUI Improved: add openbittorrent and publicbt as default trackers when creating torrents
GUI Improved: green light appears after incoming connection established from a remote peer
GUI Improved: add large icon of 256*256 for Vista/Win7
GUI Improved: add new column to Torrent History list: private torrent
GUI Improved: do not lock the width of preview column in task list
GUI Improved: display total download time in task summary tab
GUI Improved: display the number of days in case of downloading left time is more than 24 hours
GUI Improved: check downloaded files at program startup, and display warning icon on task if file missing. It can be disabled in advanced option page.
GUI Changed: Long-Time Seeding renamed to Long-Term Seeding
GUI Bugfix: the downloaded size in task statistical dialog when selecting multiple tasks is invalid
GUI Bugfix: when mouse cursor hovering on system tray icon in XP, the task running info balloon can not be shown
GUI Bugfix: the delete button in toolbar grayed out when pressing Ctrl to select multiple items in Torrent History and Torrent Share
GUI Bugfix: in the global option dialog, the max value of cache size for each connection of HTTP download should be 2MB
GUI Bugfix: after torrent downloaded for Magnet URI, the hidden options in advanced page of task properties dialog is not shown right away
GUI Bugfix: the error message of failure to listen on UDP port is not accurate
Core Improve: using disk boost service to create large files when start downloading, to speed up disk operation, avoid UI no response (only Vista and later)
Core Improve: improve kernel to reduce CPU usage for UI refreshing when downloading BitTorrent task
Core Improve: connect to one only tracker at a time when downloading private torrent, and clear all peers when switching tracker
Core Improve: improve crash report program
Core Improve: improve transport interval of peer exchange
Core Improve: use worker thread to process socket message, thereby reduce message handling in UI thread
Core Bugfix: do not connect to tracker when remove a tracker from tracker list (thanks to kluelos)
Core Bugfix: when listening port disabled in option dialog, program will dead-loop when exit
GUI Improved: improve progress bar of disk space in task properties dialog
GUI Improved: new setting in advanced option page to enable/disable auto hash check after downloaded file changed
GUI Improved: new setting in advanced option page to enable/disable disk boost service (only Vista and later)
GUI Improved: display the status of disk boost service in statistical tab (only Vista and later)
GUI Improved: tasks in queue will be displayed in Active task list
GUI Improved: improve re-connection timers displayed in tracker list
GUI Improved: do not display torrent downloading prompt dialog when open a magnet link
GUI Improved: improve GUI font when choosing Traditional Chinese in non-Traditional Chinese Windows
GUI Improved: simplify torrent status icon in torrent history and torrent share list
GUI Improved: do not fix the width of date column in torrent history and torrent share list
GUI Improved: improve display refreshing code of torrent history and torrent share list, reduce CPU usage
GUI Improved: display the default command in context menu of torrent history and torrent share list as bold
GUI Improved: new command in context menu of Torrent Collect list: Add to Torrent Share
GUI Improved: add openbittorrent and publicbt as default trackers when creating torrents
GUI Improved: green light appears after incoming connection established from a remote peer
GUI Improved: add large icon of 256*256 for Vista/Win7
GUI Improved: add new column to Torrent History list: private torrent
GUI Improved: do not lock the width of preview column in task list
GUI Improved: display total download time in task summary tab
GUI Improved: display the number of days in case of downloading left time is more than 24 hours
GUI Improved: check downloaded files at program startup, and display warning icon on task if file missing. It can be disabled in advanced option page.
GUI Changed: Long-Time Seeding renamed to Long-Term Seeding
GUI Bugfix: the downloaded size in task statistical dialog when selecting multiple tasks is invalid
GUI Bugfix: when mouse cursor hovering on system tray icon in XP, the task running info balloon can not be shown
GUI Bugfix: the delete button in toolbar grayed out when pressing Ctrl to select multiple items in Torrent History and Torrent Share
GUI Bugfix: in the global option dialog, the max value of cache size for each connection of HTTP download should be 2MB
GUI Bugfix: after torrent downloaded for Magnet URI, the hidden options in advanced page of task properties dialog is not shown right away
GUI Bugfix: the error message of failure to listen on UDP port is not accurate
Core Improve: using disk boost service to create large files when start downloading, to speed up disk operation, avoid UI no response (only Vista and later)
Core Improve: improve kernel to reduce CPU usage for UI refreshing when downloading BitTorrent task
Core Improve: connect to one only tracker at a time when downloading private torrent, and clear all peers when switching tracker
Core Improve: improve crash report program
Core Improve: improve transport interval of peer exchange
Core Improve: use worker thread to process socket message, thereby reduce message handling in UI thread
Core Bugfix: do not connect to tracker when remove a tracker from tracker list (thanks to kluelos)
Core Bugfix: when listening port disabled in option dialog, program will dead-loop when exit