Advanced Onion Router Portable (2011)

Жанр: Прокси-сервер, Tor
Разработчик: Albu Cristian
Сайт разработчика: http://advtor.sourceforge.net/
Язык интерфейса: Русский + Английский
Платформа: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Описание: Advanced Onion Router (бывший Advanced Tor) - это клиент для сети Tor, предназначенный для улучшения стандартного комплекта Tor+Vidalia+Polipo для пользователей Windows. Он способен заставлять программы и плагины принудительно использовать прокси-Tor, независимо от его настроек прокси-сервера.
- Corrected: AdvOR.dll was checking for the old signature "AdvTor" instead of "AdvOR" when releasing intercepted processes
- Corrected: the options to avoid using in same circuit nodes from same subnets and countries are no longer disabled when enabling the option to avoid AS path intersections
- The code was restructured to get rid of all goto's inherited from Tor; some functions were optimized and some memory leaks were corrected
- Directory servers running AdvOR no longer accept requests for "/tor/bytes.txt", "/tor/mallinfo.txt" and "/tor/dbg-stability.txt" ; requests for them will result in 404 errors
- New configuation option: Confirmations; currently it is used to configure confirmation dialogs that are shown at exit and when closing non-proxy connections of an intercepted process
- When changing the identity, more information is shown about the new identity when possible
- The option "Circuit timeout when exiting program" was moved from the Circuit Build page to the "Become a Server" page as "Circuit timeout when entering hibernation"; this made room for a new option,
- New configuration option: CircuitBandwidthRate (default is disabled), which is used to configure the minimum required bandwidth rate for circuits
- New option on the Circuit Build page: "Minimum circuit bandwidth rate"; if this option is enabled, all circuits will be built with routers that have the minimum required bandwidth rate
- Updated language strings: 123, 2690, 2767, 2768, 2769, 2770, 2771, 2772, 2773, 2774, 2775, 2776
- Corrected: the options to avoid using in same circuit nodes from same subnets and countries are no longer disabled when enabling the option to avoid AS path intersections
- The code was restructured to get rid of all goto's inherited from Tor; some functions were optimized and some memory leaks were corrected
- Directory servers running AdvOR no longer accept requests for "/tor/bytes.txt", "/tor/mallinfo.txt" and "/tor/dbg-stability.txt" ; requests for them will result in 404 errors
- New configuation option: Confirmations; currently it is used to configure confirmation dialogs that are shown at exit and when closing non-proxy connections of an intercepted process
- When changing the identity, more information is shown about the new identity when possible
- The option "Circuit timeout when exiting program" was moved from the Circuit Build page to the "Become a Server" page as "Circuit timeout when entering hibernation"; this made room for a new option,
- New configuration option: CircuitBandwidthRate (default is disabled), which is used to configure the minimum required bandwidth rate for circuits
- New option on the Circuit Build page: "Minimum circuit bandwidth rate"; if this option is enabled, all circuits will be built with routers that have the minimum required bandwidth rate
- Updated language strings: 123, 2690, 2767, 2768, 2769, 2770, 2771, 2772, 2773, 2774, 2775, 2776