WinDjView 1.0.3 (2009)

Год выпуска: 2009
Жанр: Работа с файлами DjVu
Разработчик: Андрей Жежерун
Сайт разработчика: http://windjview.sourceforge.net/ru/
Язык интерфейса: Английский + Русский
Платформа: Windows NT4, 98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7
Описание: WinDjView — это быстрая и компактная программа для просмотра файлов формата DjVu под Windows с вкладками для документов, непрерывной прокруткой страниц и расширенными возможности печати. Она основана на свободно распространяемой библиотеке DjVuLibre. Формат DjVu позволяет сохранять документы и картинки с высоким качеством в файлы малого размера.
Доп. информация: DjVu (дежа-вю) - графический формат, изначально оптимизированный для хранения отсканированных документов. Кроме этого он идеально подходит для создания электронных книг, особенно технической литературы с обилием схем и формул, т.к. позволяет хорошо сжать электронный документ без потери его "читаемости".
Возможности WinDjView
- • Поддержка всех распространённых версий Windows NT4, 98, ME,2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7
• Вкладки для открытых документов. Есть альтернативный режим открытия каждого документа в отдельном окне.
• Непрерывный и одностраничный режимы просмотра, возможность отображения разворота
• Языки интерфейса: английский, русский (для предыдущих версий — также украинский, греческий, венгерский,
французский, португальский, китайский (упрощённый), татарский). Для установки нужно скачать
соответствующую языковую dll в каталог инсталляции и перезапустить программу.
• Пользовательские закладки и аннотации
• Поиск по тексту и копирование*
• Поддержка словарей, переводящих слова под указателем мыши*
• Список миниатюр страниц с настраиваемым размером
• Оглавление и гиперссылки
• Расширенные возможности печати
• Полноэкранный режим
• Режимы быстрого увеличения и масштабирования по выделению
• Экспорт страниц (или части страницы) в bmp, png, gif, tif и jpg
• Поворот страниц на 90 градусов
• Масштаб: страница целиком, по ширине страницы, 100% и пользовательский
• Настройка яркости, контраста и гаммы
• Режимы отображения: цветной, чёрно-белый, передний план, задний план
• Навигация и скроллинг как мышью, так и с клавиатуры
• Если требуется, ассоциирует себя с файлами DjVu в Проводнике
* Эти возможности доступны только для документов со встроенным текстовым слоем.
История версий
- Изменения в версии 1.0.3 (2009-08-15)
* Fixed a problem with exiting fullscreen mode introduced in 1.0.2.
Изменения в версии 1.0.2 (2009-08-14)
+ Export multiple pages at once via multiple selection in the thumbnails view.
+ Support for additional image export formats: PNG, GIF, TIF, JPG (Windows XP or later required, or GDI+ on older
+ Each document now has its own history (back/forward buttons).
* Fixed touchpad scrolling on some laptops.
* Several bug fixes.
Изменения в версии 1.0.1 (2009-03-20)
+ Tabs can be closed with wheel click or middle click.
+ Use new style file dialogs on Vista.
+ File open and save dialogs can be resized.
* Fixed a problem with bookmarks not working immediately after import.
* Several minor fixes.
Изменения в версии 1.0 (2009-02-19)
# Finally, version number starts with one! This means that the program is officially considered stable after years of
! Added multiple top-level documents mode.
! Added a tab bar to the single-window mode.
+ Added an option to enable continuous scrolling in fullscreen mode.
+ Added an option to order pages from right to left in facing mode.
+ User-created bookmarks and annotations can be imported and exported.
+ More embedded hyperlink and annotation types are supported.
+ Drag mode is activated when right mouse button is pressed.
+ Added support for dictionaries that look up the word under mouse pointer.
+ Thumbnail size can now be enlarged or reduced.
+ Document properties can be accessed from the File menu.
+ Added F3 hotkey for Find Next.
+ Added support for Unicode Supplementary Planes in contents and index.
+ DPI value is now set when exporting page or selection as bitmap.
+ Added a warning if WinDjView is not the default DjVu viewer.
+ Added an automatic weekly check for updates.
* Fixed saving “First page alone” setting for every document.
* Fixed crash in magnify tool after rotating the page.
* Fixed crash when exiting fullscreen mode.
* Fixed crash when compiled with Visual Studio 2005.
* Many other small fixes and improvements.
Изменения в версии 0.5 (2007-05-30)
! Implemented user-created bookmarks and annotations.
! Added rectangle tool: can be used to create an annotation, to zoom in, to print selected region or to export it to a bitmap
! Integrated dictionary features of DjVuDic program.
+ Open page and view settings can be restored when opening a file.
+ Page number can be specified when opening files via command line.
+ Back/Forward keys on multimedia keyboards now work as Alt+arrows.
+ Reorganized Settings dialog.
+ Added option to invert colors.
+ Added option to change display units (centimeters, millimeters, inches).
+ New printing options: auto-rotate pages, booklet printing.
* Improved interface responsiveness when opening and closing documents.
* Improvements for files with large shared dictionaries:
* Reduced memory usage.
* Fixed interface stalls.
* Increased decoding speed.
* Fixed slow loading of large bookmark trees.
* Fixed printing in two pages per sheet mode.
* Fixed a crash in print dialog with some printers.
* A number of other small fixes and improvements.
Изменения в версии 0.4.3 (2006-09-15)
+ Added panning when mouse wheel is pressed.
* Improved performance of magnifying glass.
* Fixed displaying UTF-8 bookmarks on pre-XP systems.
* Fixed problem with long documents on Win98 when thumbnails are on.
* Fixed font issues.
* Several crash fixes.
Изменения в версии 0.4.2 (2006-07-24)
! Added magnifying glass tool.
+ Added option to wrap long bookmarks.
+ Added option to hide scrollbars in fullscreen mode.
+ Added option to invert direction of Ctrl+Mouse Wheel zooming.
+ Added option to close the program when Escape is pressed.
+ Added keyboard shortcuts to rotate pages, change layouts and open settings.
* Fixed Open File dialog (.djv files were not displayed).
* Fixed print dialog: collate option is now always available.
* Fixed printing order for custom page ranges.
* Fixed a problem with XP themes.
* Several crash fixes, including a patch from KViewShell DjVu plugin.
Изменения в версии 0.4.1 (2006-02-25)
! Added support for JPEG-encoded DjVu files.
+ Added an option to select different scaling algorithm (slower, but gives better results on low zoom levels).
+ Reduced redrawing when switching documents.
+ Added autoscroll when selecting text by dragging.
+ Rendered pages are reused when entering/exiting fullscreen mode.
+ Added Home/End keyboard shortcuts.
+ Added an option to warn when closing multiple documents.
* Fixed saving and restoring maximized main window state.
* Fixed displaying floating-point numbers in non-English locales.
* Fixed text selection when a page has nonzero original rotation.
* Fixed page caching (caused high CPU and memory usage in some situations).
* Fixed displaying tooltips for annotations in fullscreen mode.
Изменения в версии 0.4 (2006-01-18)
! Unicode build for Windows 2k/XP.
! Added support for switching user interface languages.
! Added facing and continuous-facing page layouts.
+ Added support for hilighted annotations.
+ Display mode and/or zoom specified in the document are used when opening.
+ Improved page display (borders and background).
+ In fullscreen mode cursor is hidden if mouse doesn’t move for a few seconds.
+ Printer settings are retained while application is running.
+ To quickly enter drag more, shift key can be pressed.
* Fixed a problem with WinDjView not responding for a few seconds after opening a document on some systems.
* Fixed a few crashes in print dialog.
Изменения в версии 0.3.6 (2005-12-21)
! Multithreading fixes: WinDjView should work more stable, especially on multicore, multiprocessor and hyperthreaded
+ Print dialog now takes into account physical printer margins by default; added an option to ignore them (old behavior).
+ Print dialog now takes into account display mode (foreground, background, black and white or color).
* Fixed bug with preview in print dialog and printing: color pages sometimes were not shown in preview and not printed.
* Fixed bug in print dialog: clicking Properties button sometimes resets printing options.
* Fixed parsing print ranges in print dialog.
* Fixed paper orientation: original orientation as specified in the file is correctly applied.
* Fixed printing odd/even pages in one page per sheet mode.
Изменения в версии 0.3.5 (2005-06-14)
+ Added “Save Copy As” dialog.
* Fixed a crash when opening some corrupted files.
* Fixed opening files with a ‘#’ character in filename.
* Fixed a problem which could cause crashes after printing and after checking for update.
Изменения в версии 0.3.4 (2005-05-02)
+ Added “Go To Page” dialog.
+ Added licensing info to About dialog.
* Fixed crash when using Search Results.
* Fixed wrong page bounds calculation in single page layout.
* Fixed text searching in single page layout.
! WinDjView can now be compiled with VC6.0.
Изменения в версии 0.3.3 (2005-03-31)
+ Improved keyboard navigation in fullscreen mode.
+ Show all links works in fullscreen mode.
+ Added zoom in/out in fullscreen mode.
+ Added zoom in/out with Ctrl+Mouse Wheel.
+ Added option to enable/disable switching pages in fullscreen mode by mouse clicks.
* Fixed crash when exiting fullscreen mode on Windows 98.
* Fixed window positioning when task bar is always visible.
* Fixed wrong resolution of first page in single page layout.
Изменения в версии 0.3.2 (2005-03-19)
! Added fullscreen mode.
+ Added “Find All” button which displays search results in a list.
+ Added status bar indicators for page count and current page size.
+ Added brightness, contrast and gamma adjustment.
+ Added display modes (Color/B&W/Foreground/Background).
+ Shift key shows all hyperlinks on a page.
* Fixed some issues with single-page layout.
Изменения в версии 0.3.1 (2005-03-08)
! Added bookmarks.
! Added text selection, copying to clipboard and export to file.
+ Added zoom in/out toolbar buttons.
+ Added option to disable generating thumbnails in background.
+ Added checking for updates.
+ Window title specifies file name first.
* Thumbnails fixes and improvements.
Изменения в версии 0.3 (2005-02-19)
! Added thumbnails.
! Added text searching.
+ Added hyperlink support.
+ Significantly reduced memory usage due to new caching algorithm (+/- 2 screens are stored as bitmaps, +/- 10 screens
are stored in a decoded form for faster rendering).
* Fixed continuous mode in Windows 98.
* Fixed mouse wheel scrolling in Windows 98.
* Fixed combo boxes on the toolbar in Windows 2000.
* Fixed network printer detection in Windows 2000.
Изменения в версии 0.2.3 (2004-10-30)
* Fixed opening read-only files (i.e. off a CDROM).
Изменения в версии 0.2.2 (2004-10-28)
+ Additional bitmaps are cached (+/- one screen) for more seamless scrolling in continuous mode.
+ Pages can be exported to .bmp files.
+ WinDjView can associate itself with .djvu/.djv files in Explorer.
+ In single page mode, when no scrollbars are visible, mouse wheel switches to next/previous page.
* Fixed horizontal centering in continuous view when switching from Actual Size mode to Zoom 100%.
Изменения в версии 0.2.1 (2004-09-19)
* Fixed several bugs in continuous mode.
Изменения в версии 0.2 (2004-09-12)
! Added continuous page display mode.
+ Improved speed; next/previous pages should display faster.
- Removed non-functional “Print Preview” command (may be added in future releases).
Первый публичный релиз: версия 0.1 (2004-07-22)

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